Meet Ron DiSilvestro

Ron DiSilvestro – Lead Engineer, producer, arranger, composer, professional drummer, and talent extraordinaire has placements on major radio and TV stations.

Ron has more than 30 years of playing experience, countless national tours and a session drumming discography in the hundreds. As a professional drummer turned producer/engineer, he has worked This cialis pills wholesale is a new kind of a medicine on particular health problem. Kamagra Jelly order cialis is an anti-impotence medication in liquid form. Kamagra also works in the same type of mechanism can help counteract the burden generic viagra uk brought about by erectile dysfunction engages a man to ride a completely different mood as it only involves getting back home and sleeping with no extra spicy moment with the partner and physical bonding. Regular lovemaking is vital for keeping viagra lowest prices couples together and to prevent relationship issues. both sides of the glass with some of the biggest names in the business. Bands produced, recorded and mixed by Ron DiSilvestro are placed in rotation on major radio stations such as 93.3 WMMR, 94.1 WYSP, 88.5 WXPN and KROQ. His projects draw major and indie label interest.

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